It’s been a long, long time since I powered-up the analog modular synth. After some tinkering and swearing I got it to make some noise again. Posted it up to the Tonkadyne Audio channel on YouTube. (link below)
These analog synths can get kinda moody and don’t exactly have a deterministic way to reproduce a sound, assuming you discover a patch you’d like to use more than once. Current solution is optical: meaning that I take a photo that accompanies a recording, so I have a fighting chance to repro it again if I need it. Admittedly low-tech, but should work well enough for the time being.
Today’s experiment was based on a super simple lick that I was playing manually on the attached midi keyboard. I think if I want to take this particular patch to the next level I will need to program it into a midi loop that can control the synth, freeing me up to use both hands to wrangle the modules’ knobs. This is a well-worn approach, but I didn’t set it up today, since this was kinda the first day out of the hangar in years. heh